You ever lost something, so you spent all day looking for it
And then you couldn’t even find it in the day time, so you’re up all night searching every place you had gone to
Prying your fingers through every nook and cranny, ever couch cushion, every drawer, every pocket, every place, everywhere trying to find it
And then you couldn’t find it at night time, so you can barely sleep in the wee hours of the morning
mind racing cold sweats mixed with heat flashes tossing and turning wondering where you could have left it, and then you close your eyes and its right there like you always had it, and it feels so real
But then you open your eyes and its not there, you just had a dream
And then you wonder if it was all a an inception wondering if you ever had it
Maybe you never had it
See, I can’t find love
See, I can’t find love
I really have looked everywhere for it
And at times I feel like I found it
But then I didn’t
I think love is the greatest treasure in all the land
I would cross the seven seas
I would cross the seven seas
Through a tumultuous freeze
Then trudge through snow above my knees
On over 10 odysseys
To find a love that would take my last bits of breath away
A pirate in search of love except my name won’t be Captain Ahab, Captain Morgan, or Captain Sparrow
My name will be Captain Hook
Because 1) once I get a hold of love I will never ever let it go and
2) Once Peter green with envy pipes
Me and my love would waltz like Disney and live happily ever after
And the only way you would know about it is cause Tinkerbell told you
And at that moment you would know that it was just a fairy tale
As a little boy, lying in bed, I was told not to believe in fairy tales
Such a belief is toothless, like pulling teeth piece by piece and placing them under a pillow
There’s not even a dime of truth under it
So, maybe its just me
Maybe love is running away from me
Maybe that’s why when I think I’ve found it it
It runs away, and the girl who I thought had it
Scoffs me off like the perfect college loan; no interest
Or maybe love just purposely hides from me,
So the girl that has it is someone I don’t know or would never expect
Not even in my wildest dreams
And no matter how many books I read, degrees I get, I can’t outsmart love
No matter how much I spend on movies, dinner, chocolates, and flowers, I can’t buy love
No matter how many pushups, pull-ups, plyometrics, and pilates I do, I never look sexy enough for love
And no matter how kind, courteous, caring, considerate, and compassionate I am, I’m never a good enough person for love
You’re so lost that I don’t even know if you’re there anymore
But if you are there, then you win
I can’t look for you anymore because deep down you have to want to be found
Because our love (together) will create a new verb that words can’t describe